Monday, September 6, 2010

Button-Eyed Dolls

Unknown store; San Francisco, CA

A friend sent me this photo. This photo was taken in the Chinatown section of San Francisco, CA. I lived there for a few years a while ago and Chinatown in SF is excellent for hearing, smelling, and seeing weird stuff. This photo brings back warm memories.

I'm not sure what to make of these things. They are dolls. They have buttons for eyes.Two of them are wearing underwear. They all have bad teeth: one of them has braces, another looks like it got punched in the mouth by Mike Tyson, and a pair of them have vampire teeth. I'd like to think these dolls as some type of artistic statement about Janov's primal scream therapy - but I'm pretty sure it's simply someone finding some crap lying around the house, making them into dolls, and knowing that some dummy out there will buy one, if not all of them.